The People Pledge 
I pledge to recognize the dignity and worth of all people.
I will not discriminate against or devalue anyone because of their age, race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, social class, faith, neurotype, or physical appearance.
I commit to treating others fairly and rejecting prejudice in all its forms.
Why this pledge?
People are hurting. Some experience the world as a place marred by both the active cruelty and passive indifference of those who fail to recognize the fundamental humanity that exists within all of us. People are hurt by those who believe that our simple differences are something to attack instead of something to respect. People are hurt by the casual hate that remains disgustingly normalized and tolerated, even now, today, at the very apex of our collective intelligence and understanding.
What this pledge is and isn’t
This pledge is a personal voluntary commitment to a belief that people shouldn’t be treated differently because of who they are. It’s a stand against ideologies and attitudes that cultivate hate, and it seeks to replace the spreading of hate with the spreading of respect.
It’s a recognition of your own values and intentions. It is not a cudgel to be used against those who don’t hold these values, and it’s not a lazy performative self-congratulatory act or a vehicle for virtue-signaling. If you take the pledge, you take it with the intention of putting the commitment into action. Anything less would be pointless.
If you’re living by this pledge, people will feel it.
Want a badge?
Show the world you’ve taken the pledge: grab a badge, put it on your website, and link it back to this page.